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From Basel to Bristol

Intermodal Rhino-Neuro-Otological
Skull Base Course

Welcome! Willkommen!

Skull base surgery has a long history and has evolved remarkably in the last decades. As technology and anatomical knowledge grows, the understanding of a 360° degree anatomical and surgical spectrum, interdisciplinary rhino-neurosurgical, transorbital and neuro-otological approaches and "out of the box" thinking are necessary to provide the optimal treatment and outcome for patients that suffer from pathologies which arise from the base of skull.


For young and mid-level otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons in their general daily practice, and especially when being interested to deepen their knowledge for an intermodal collaboration, it might be difficult to get a starting point for their journey within this field. Many courses around the world provide excellent and high-level advanced programs teaching many complex approaches in one session, and potentially skip the basic surgical, ergonomical and intermodal aspects within the clinical contexts.


Kumar Abhinav, MD (Neurosurgeon) and Warren Bennett, MD (Otorhinolaryngologist) have developed a highly reputed and strong interdisciplinary skull base practice including expanded and advanced skull base surgeries at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom and do provide a highly reputed and advanced skull base dissection course on a yearly basis.


In parallel, Michel Roethlisberger, MD (Neurosurgeon) and Yves Brand, MD (Otorhinolaryngologist) from Switzerland have built a strong clinical and academic interdisciplinary edonasal endoscopic practice for approaching various skull base lesions at the University of Basel, Switzerland.


With the goal of an international collaboration, these four surgeons do now provide a two-stage course program where interdisciplinary skull base surgery is taught in a systematic way offering an


"Rhino-Neuro-Otological Introductory Skull Base Course"

in Basel (CH)


building the foundation for the


"Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Skullbase Dissection Course"

in Bristol (UK)


Thus, we warmly welcome interested otorhinolaryngology

and neurosurgery colleagues to join the


"Intermodal Rhino-Neuro-Otological Skull Base Course"

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Skull Base





Day 1



08.00 AM:     Principles of endonasal endoscopic surgeries


  • Intermodal neuro-rhinological collaboration

  • Ergonomical aspects in rhino-neurosurgical case management

  • Hemostasis in endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery

  • When does the neurosurgeon need the otorhinolaryngologist?

  • When does the otorhinolaryngologist need the neurosurgeon?


09.30 AM:     Pause


10.00 AM:     Hands-On Dissection


  1. Anterior and posterior ethmoidectomy

  2. Maxillary antrostomy / Full-House FESS

  3. Frontal sinus drill-out

  4. Harvesting a vascularized naso-septal flap


12:15 PM:      Lunch Break





01.00 PM:     Extended / expanded endonasal endoscopic concepts and indications


  • Nasal / skull base pathologies and CSF-leaks

  • Tailored approach concept for nasal / skull base pathologies

  • Principles of graded skull base defect reconstruction

  • When does the neurosurgeon need the otorhinolaryngologist?

  • When does the otorhinolaryngologist need the neurosurgeon?


2.30 PM:       Pause


3:00 PM:       Hands-On Dissection​


  1. Trans-sphenoidal approach

  2. Trans-sellar osteo-dural / intradural

  3. Trans-tuberculum / chiasmatic sulcus osteo-dural / intradural

  4. Skullbase defect reconstruction


06:00 PM:            Wrap Up of the Day


07:30 PM:            Social Activity and Course Dinner


Day 2



08.00 AM:     Principles of anterior skull base, sphenoid and frontal sinus surgery


  • Nasal / skull base pathologies and CSF-leaks

  • Frontal sinus diseases and loco-regional complications

  • Sphenoid sinus diseases and loco-regional complications

  • Intermodal neuro-rhinological collaboration

  • When does the neurosurgeon need the otorhinolaryngologist?

  • When does the otorhinolaryngologist need the neurosurgeon?


09.30 AM:     Pause


10.00 AM:     Hands-On Dissection


  1. Trans-cribriform osteo-dural / intradural (endoscopic)

  2. Frontal sinus cranialization (transcranial)

  3. Low basal (subfrontal) approach (transcranial)

  4. Frontal sinus plugging techniques (transcranial)


12:15 PM:      Lunch Break





01.00 PM:     Principles of lateral skull base approaches and indications


  • Lateral skull base pathologies and CSF-leaks

  • Mastoid / middle ear diseases and loco-regional complications

  • Intermodal neuro-otological collaboration

  • When does the neurosurgeon need the otorhinolaryngologist?

  • When does the otorhinolaryngologist need the neurosurgeon?


2.30 PM:       Pause


3:00 PM:       Hands-On Dissection​


  1. Retrosigmoid approach (osteo-dural / intradural)

  • Suprameatal extension (reverse Kawase)

  • Meckel's cave exploration (endoscopy-assisted)

  • Trans-meatal extension

  • Infra-meatal / trans-tubercular (jugular) extension

2.  Extended retrosigmoid approach

3.  Mastoidectomy


06:00 PM:            Wrap Up of the Day, End of Course, Certificate​









Bristol (UK)

Day 1 (Outline)



Lectures &:     Complex pituitary adenomas and parasellar region


  • Sellar, clinoidal, paraclinoidal region, upper clivus and cavernous sinus: endoscopic perspective and anatomy

  • Middle clinoidectomy

  • Skeletonization of paraclinoidal ICA

  • Retrogenu/ superior cavernous sinus





Lectures &:   Craniopharyngioma, rathkes' cyst and tuberculum sellae meningioma


  • Suprasellar transtuberculum transchiasmatic sulcus approach

  • Intra- and extradural pituitary transposition



​Invited talks from international faculty

Day 2 (Outline)



Lectures &:    Petrous apex pathologies, chordoma, chondrosarcoma and petroclival
Hands-On      meningiomas: foramen lacerum and supralacerum region


  • Mid clivus, foramen lacerum and Meckel’s cave, petrous apex and middle fossa

  • Maxillary sinus, pterygopalatine fossa, vidian nerve (landmarks)

  • Skeletonization of paraclival ICA and petrous apex





Lectures &:    Chordoma, chondrosarcoma and petroclival meningiomas: sublacerum
Hands-On      region (petroclival fissure, jugular tubercle and condylar region)


  • Reviewing the landmarks at the foramen lacerum

  • Inferior clivus, jugular tubercle, petroclival fissure, foramen magnum

  • Sublacerum transpterygoid approach



​Invited talks from international faculty

Day 3 (Outline)



Lectures &:    Continuation of dissection from Day 2 






Lectures &:     Complementary key transorbital approaches (schwannomas, 
Hands-On       meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, arteriovenous malformations)


  • Supraorbital craniotomy / eyebrow incision

  • Lateral orbitotomy / lid incision with or without lateral canthotomy

  • Hakuba-Dolenc and access to cavernous sinus

  • Medial transcaruncular incision and medial orbit and orbital apex

Day 4 (Outline)



Lectures &:       Complementary open skull base approaches (schwannomas, 

Hands-On         meningiomas, skull base sarcomas, vascular pathologies)


  • Orbitozygomatic craniotomy, anterior clinoidectomy

  • Extended middle fossa approach and apical petrosectomy

  • Extended retromastoid approach

  • Far lateral: basic and transcondylar approach





Lectures &:       Complementary open skull base approaches (schwannomas, 

Hands-On         meningiomas, skull base sarcomas, vascular pathologies)


  • Orbitozygomatic craniotomy, anterior clinoidectomy, optic canal decompression and parasellar region / cavernous sinus
    Extended middle fossa approach and apical petrosectomy, ventral brainstem and posterior fossa

  • Far lateral: basic and transcondylar variants and access to lower brainstem and cranial nerves



​Invited talks from international faculty


From Basel to Bristol


Skull Base Course

By registering and successfully attending the


"Rhino-Neuro-Otological Introductory Skull Base Course"

in Basel (Switzerland)





you will automatically be listed in advance  as an

interested participant  for the next scheduled


"Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Skullbase Dissection Course"

in Bristol (UK)


with the opportunity to receive a discount  when registering accordingly.

Course Directors

Interdisciplinary Skull Base Surgery

With a great support from our industry partners along with local faculties associated with the University Hospital of Basel and Bristol Area, we are able to provide an international faculty for our "Rhino-Neuro-Otological Introductory Skull Base Course" in Basel (CH) building the foundation for the "Expanded endoscopic endonasal Skullbase Dissection Course" in Bristol (UK).

Suchen Sie Ärzte bei Röntgenstrahlen

Get in Touch with us

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Thanks for submitting!

Collaborating Partners

We are deeply greatful for the support from our university hospitals and industry partners

University of Basel
University of Bristol
University of Bristol Institute of Clinical Neurosciences
Karl Storz Endoskope
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Kantonsspital Graubünden
Universitätsspital Basel
Neurosurgery Basel


Do not hesitate to contact us with question concerning the course

PD Dr. Michel Roethlisberger, Neurosurgery

Michel Roethlisberger

PD Dr. med. [FMH] (Neurosurgery) [Complex Pituitary, Skull Base and

Spine Neurosurgery]

Department of Neurosurgery,
Consultant Neurosurgeon, University Hospital Basel, Basel-Stadt


Lecturer, Medical Faculty, University of Basel, Basel-Stadt


Kumar Abhinav

Kumar Abhinav

BSc (Hons) MD FRCS (Neurosurgery) [Complex Pituitary, Skull Base and Vascular Neurosurgery]

Centre for Advanced Endoscopic, Skull Base and Vascular Neurosurgery
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bristol Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Southmead Hospital, Bristol [UK]

Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Translational Medicine and Department of Anatomy, University of Bristol, Bristol (UK)

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