BASEL Introductory Course (ENT)
A Two-Day Interdisciplinary Joint Course for Otorhinolaryngologists and Neurosurgeons
The Rhino-Neuro-Otological Introductory Skull Base Course: We warmly welcome interested otorhinolaryngology and neurosurgery colleagues! In the general daily practice, and especially when being interested to deepen their knowledge for an intermodal collaboration, it might be difficult to get a starting point for their journey within this field. Therefore, the „Rhino-Neuro-Otological Introductory Skull Base Course“ in Basel (Switzerland) aims for an interdisciplinary exchange and hands-on program with great support from the Departments of Neurosurgery and Otorhinolaryngology (University Hospital of Basel and Kantonsspital Graubunden) and our industry partners. The historical venue of the Anatomical Institute of the University of Basel provides a warm and beautiful library for lectures, a modern anatomical dissection hall with cadaveric specimens and high-end infrastructure. There will be a 2:1 participant to anatomical specimen ratio. To maximize the educational value of the course, the course is limited to 14 active participants with a strong emphasis on close mentoring of the participants by the invited international and local expert faculty: International Faculty - Kumar Abhinav, MD, BSc (Hons), MBBS, FRCS (Neurosurgeon, University Hof Bristol, UK) - Warren Bennett, MD, FRCS (ORL-HRS) (ENT, University of Bristol, UK) - Prof. Luigi Cavallo (Neurosurgeon, Federico II University Hospital in Naples) - Prof. Vicknes Waran (Neurosurgeon, University of Malaya Medial Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - Prof. Prepageran Narayanan (ENT, University of Malaya Medial Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Local Faculty - Prof. Luigi Mariani (Neurosurgeon, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland) - Prof. Daniel Bodmer (ENT, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland) - Prof. Raphael Guzman (Neurosurgeon, Children’s and University Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland) - PD Dr. Simona Negoias, MD (ENT, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland) - PD Dr. Christian Zweifel, MD (Neurosurgeon, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Chur, Switzerland) - PD Dr. Christian Meerwein, MD (Otorhinolaryngologist, Universitässpital Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland) We aim to have 7 Otolaryngologists and 7 Neurosurgeons (14 participants in total), so that an interdisciplinary exchange and hands-on program is possible. Registration is on a first-come first-serve basis. Accepted participants will receive a confirmation letter and further information.
Bevorstehende Sessions
Umbuchung & Kündigung
We aim to have 7 Otolaryngologists and 7 Neurosurgeons (14 participants in total), so that an interdisciplinary exchange and hands-on program is possible. Registration is on a first-come first-serve basis, with a early-bird course fee of 1200 CHF for the first four, and regular fee of 1400 CHF for the last three registrations of each discipline, respectively. The price for a OBSERVER position is 500 CHF (if not Student, and not a memeber of the below mentioned societies, 300 CHF if not student but member of the below mentioned societies, and 100 CHF if medical student). Accepted participants will receive a confirmation letter and further information. We offer a 10% discount from the current course fee for members of - SYNS ( - Young-ORL ( - Young Neurosurgeons EANS ( - SGNC ( - SGORL ( - EANS members ( - ERS members ( Non-members will need to pay 1080 CHF when early-bird (1260 CHF regular) as online deposit and 120 CHF early-bird (140 CHF regular) on-site when registering for the course, respectively. In any case, when fully booked, leave a message ( and get listed on our waiting list! Refund and Cancellation Policy Any cancellation of participation must be notified by email to "". - For cancellations received by 01/01/2025 – the full amount is refundable, reduced by the administrative fee of 10%. - For cancellations received by 01/02/2025 – No refund is possible. However, transfer of your registration to another person is acceptable. Any modification should be communicated to the course directors. In any case, if registration is not possible anymore, leave a message ( and get listed on our waiting list for the 2026 courses!
Anatomisches Institut der Universität Basel, Pestalozzistrasse, Basel, Switzerland